Putting disruptive technology into transportation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras ullamcorper augue nisi, ut tempor nibh interdum id. Integer imperdiet massa dictum ligula tempus, ut placerat diam semper. Donec feugiat nisi metus, pretium porttitor eros consectetur at. Duis iaculis, est in placerat sodales, dolor mi consectetur ipsum, vitae faucibus felis ex vitae tortor. Aliquam augue arcu, pellentesque in commodo molestie, convallis id diam. Integer ac rhoncus dolor. Nunc semper ex sed eros porttitor, ornare lobortis enim rhoncus. Integer porttitor sodales libero, lobortis vestibulum mauris facilisis eu. Etiam eu suscipit purus.

How it works

Being part of the ever-growing community of smart transport users has never been this easy and is best illustrated with the following step by step procedures. Moreover, as you join us, we give you a free smart card and trips to get you started. So why wait?

Locate our Kiosks

Get to the nearest kiosk around you to register for our service.

Request your Card

Collect your free smart card containing free trips to get started.

Get our App

You can download our mobile app with a plethora of services to enjoy.



Subscribe to our multiple plans (Weekly or Monthly) to get discounts.

Safety First

Validate the vehicle you enter to ensure that it is safe to commute with.

Join our Community

As a part of our community, you never miss out on great offers and gifts from us.

Screen Shots

Get acquainted with the look and feel of our mobile application. The slides below presents you with a little experience of how our application looks like, enumerating some of its core features. Currently, only the android version is available and our development team are working tirelessly to produce other versions to expand its usage.

Price List

In order to appeal to our customer's budget, we have provided three types of transportation plans. The Pay-as-you-Go, Weekly and Monthly Plans. The weekly and monthly plans provides varying level of discount on transportation fare and they are the recommended choices for our commuters.

Pay as you Go

  • ₦78 per Trip
  • Smart Card
  • Mobile App
  • Security Check
  • -
  • -

Weekly Plan

₦750 per week
  • ₦68 per Trip
  • Smart Card
  • Mobile App
  • Security Check
  • Discount
  • -

Monthly Plan

₦2500 per month
  • ₦58 per Trip
  • Smart Card
  • Mobile App
  • Security Check
  • Discount
  • Gifts and Offers

Contact Us

For inquiries, complaints or information, you can reach us by email or using the contact address below. You can also use the map below to guide you when trying to visit us at our office. This will help us to serve you promptly and better, and we are open to suggestions that can improve our quality of service.

California, USA

No. 10 Silicon Valley Way, San Diego,

Tel: 0601 234 5678
Mobile: 0501 234 5678
E-mail: inquiry@adminlte.com

Get directions on the map